jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

Mi primera Unidad AICLE: Foods and Meals.

Bueno, toca lanzarse del todo. No sin esfuerzo, os dejo la unidad AICLE que se nos pedía en el curso. Va sobre los alimentos y la he diseñado pensando en mis alumnos de Primer Ciclo de Primaria. Espero críticas -constructivas- para poder seguir aprendiendo. Gracias!

Subject:         Science                                             Teacher: Fº Javier Gilabert Sánchez

Title of the Unit:          Food and meals                                Course / Level        2º EPO

1. Learning outcomes
 / Evaluation criteria
- To identify daily meals and when they are made.
- To distinguish the origin of food: plant or animal.
- To distinguish between cooked or raw food.
- To distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food.
- To know and give importance to the fact of having a healthy diet.
- To know and to practice hygiene habits.
2. Subject Content
- Food vocabulary.
- Different kinds of food.
- The origin of food.
- Daily meals and food classification.
- Characteristics and importance of a healthy diet.

3. Language Content / Communication

- Nouns: Fridge, freezer, cupboard, breakfast, lunch, dinner,
tea time, habit. bacon, broccoli, butter, milk, lettuce, carrot, onion, garlic, cucumber, honey, juice, lemon, olive oil, pancakes, peach, pepper, salt, pineapple, yoghourt, strawberry, rice, pasta, cereals, cheese, tuna, meat, bread, fish, veggies, beans, lamb, meal, diet, nutrient, weight.
- Verbs: Like, have, come from, like.
- Adjectives: Animal, plant, raw, cooked, healthy, unhealthy.
- Prepositions: on, under.
-Verbs: to have, to eat, to cook.


Where does the bread go?
- I have ........... for breakfast
- Fish comes from.......
I like/ I don’t like
Do you like...?
You must....
- What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/ dinner? For breakfast/lunch/ dinner, I usually have...
- We should (not) eat...........
Discourse type
Descriptions, dialogue, arguments.
Language skills
Listening, Speaking, Reading, writing.
4. Contextual (cultural) element
- Spanish and British food. Healthy and unhealthy food.
5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
6. (a) Task(s)
- Food charts.
- Oral production from models or examples.
6. (b) Activities
- Book “Essential Science Plus”, Ed. Santillana, pp.40-47. (individual/pair work).
- Wall chart: Food origins (class work).
- Introduce some new vocabulary about food with flashcards (class work).
- Revision sheet: Colours (class work).
- Brainstorming about food (class work).
- Song: My favourite food (http://youtu.be/7lKclr67ajY) (class work).
- Flash Cards: - Daily Meals (class work).
- Healthy Food: Revision Sheet (individual work).
-  Game: listen and point the correct food (team work)
- Listen and match a balanced diet (individual work).
- Final test (individual work).

7. Methodology
Organization and classdistribution / timing
6-8 sessions /55 min each.
-Individual, pair, class and team work.
Resources / Materials

Book “Essential Science Plus”, Ed. Santillana.
-Flashcards, posters.
-CD player/ DVD.
-Classroom objects: pencils, notebooks, etc.
-Online resources.
- Digital whiteboard.
Key Competences
-Linguistic competence.
-Digital competence.
-Learning to learn.
-Cultural awareness.
- Personal autonomy.
8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
- Identify daily meals and the moment of the day they are made.
- Classifies meals by origin: animal or plant.
- Distinguishes between cooked or raw food.
- Know where each kind of food is conserved.
- Understands and gives importance to eat a healthy diet.
-Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food.
-Distinguish between British and Spanish food.
-Daily work: 60%
-Final tasks: 20%
-Test: 20%

Instruments: rubric, self-assessment, peer evaluation, individual tests.

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