miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

Sesión final: Presentación en sociedad de mi porfolio.

Para finalizar el curso, se nos pide que  elaboremos un artefacto digital que nos sirva para presentar nuestro portfolio en sociedad. Pues bien, me he decantado por una presentación animada, creada con la herramienta Powtoon por su versatilidad a la hora de incorporar imágenes, sonido, vídeos, etc., y porque de esta forma "se cierra el círculo", ya que con ella comencé este curso con mi "Presentación 1, 2, 3".
Así pues he utilizado esta herramienta, dividiendo la tarea final en dos. Os dejo el resultado en este post. Espero que os guste!

Presentación animada de mi Portfolio:

Disertación final:

Food for your mind: “Food and meals”.

This unit has been thought for First Course of Primary School pupils and it is part of Science subject. At the end of the unit, they should be able:
- To identify daily meals and when they are made.
- To distinguish the origin of food: plant or animal.
- To distinguish between cooked or raw food.
- To distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food.
- To know and give importance to the fact of having a healthy diet.
- To know and to practice hygiene habits.
They will have six to eight sessions to develop all this objectives, in which we will offer them the vocabulary and the structures we want them to acquire and we will help them to learn the vocabulary and the structures linked to the topic we are teaching, food, but also all referred to healthy meal and good eating habits.
Each session will be divided into a warming up part (for example, children will be asked to talk about food in their own language: what do they know about different meals of the day, kinds of food, healthy and unhealthy meals, etc.). Then we will present the unit’s vocabulary by means of flash cards or presentations. Different kinds of exercises will be offered to the children so as they can learn the unit’s vocabulary and structures: Listen, point and repeat activities, songs, chants, games, drawings, etc. They will practice on their owns, in pair and group work.
 Song: Healthy food:

We also will guide their learning process using the book “Essential Science Plus”, Ed. Santillana, (pp.40-47) in which there are set individual tasks, pair work activities, listening activities, etc. We will use the whiteboard for display these activities and besides we will propose interactive exercises, I .e.:

Listening activities:

Writing activities:

- Wall chart: Healthy food pyramid.

- Introduce some new vocabulary about food with flashcards.
- Revision sheet: Colours (class work).

- Brainstorming about food (class work).

- Song: My favourite food (class work).

- Nursery Rhymes:

- Revision activities (individual work):

Besides all this, the students will have to develop a final task: to elaborate a healthy menu. They will choose a varied and healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner from the different food they have learnt along the unit, and present them in a menu-chart drawing to their classmates.